
Is it possible for a 17 year old to have an emotional breakdown, I feel so empty and want to die, ?

by  |  earlier

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I have lost interest in alot of things lately including my family and friends, I also can not conncentrate at school, I just feel like screaming




  1. Yeah, that's possible.  Especially since you have experienced the pain of losing 2 people close to you by suicide a month ago!  If you think you should be "over it" you're mistaken.  Life wasn't meant to be like this.  I am SO hurt for you and those you lost.  Just know that they were in pain, they were sick, desperate...maybe just like you.  But, obviously they didn't get help - that was their biggest mistake.  You can learn from that.

        My grandmother committed suicide and my brother has attempted as well...the more people you know that do it the more it starts feeling like an option.  But don't let it become an option.  GET HELP.  PRAY for help!  You can learn to cope with this and living through it will put you in a position to help someone else some day and save a life.  Death is an enemy.  Please just get help and don't give up til you find something healthy that helps.   I'm so sorry life is so rough.

  2. Have your parents call your doctor.  If this cannot wait, call a help line.  It does not sound like a breakdown, but depression.  Only you know how bad you feel and how soon you need help.

    Don't let it get to the point that you do something desperate, that will hurt the ones you love --forever.

    Asking for help is the first step to recovery. Do it now.  Good luck.

  3. its very possible but its more likely to be depression getting to you. i feel like this all the time. if you need to talk or whatever send me an e-mail.

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