
Is it possible for a 22 year old man to get adopted?

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A strange question,I agree. But hear me out.

I have not had a father figure in my life since my teens,and so growing up was not the same,I have never really had anybody to look up to,and so have floated about all my life following what I felt best.

My mother can be quite unstable,due to a drink problem,and threw me out at 16. I am now 22,and in the Army,as I have no permanent residence of my own.

I still feel my life is missing something,and that is a stable family life,and a father figure. Is it possible to gain adoption,or am I just being silly,and need to carry on alone..?




  1. I understand your feelings.  I can help you understand your feelings by reading the book To h**l With h**l.  It's about religion but not a religious book.  It hold the answers to how to be at peace with yourself.  Church is not the answer.  In order for you to be at peace with anybody else, you first must be at peace with yourself.  Peace is what everybody is talking about when they say "happy".  Your mind is in total control of your life as far as you have the ability to do things.  You are here for a purpose, just like everybody else.  You don't know the purpose and that's a good thing, otherwise you'd worry about it.  Forget all the c**p  This book help me tremendously.  Peace, lov and Joy.  

  2. I think adoption isn't possible for over 18's as this is when you are considered an adult, I am very sorry that you are missing this father and mother figure, but maybe if you get a girlfriend or boyfriend their family will accept you and you can relate to them, and maybe if you start your own family and can feel more part of a family and feel the hole that you so desire to be filled, good luck babes, I hope all goes well for you, take care.

  3. Even though you're going through a hard time, nobody can legally adopt you because you are above eighteen...once someone turns eighteen, they are an adult by law.

  4. No because you are over 18.

  5. I don't know about the legal issues, but it sounds like you are just looking for a strong positive connection, which is a good and healthy normal thing to want.

    Some ideas, church, or local nursing homes...often there are many abandoned people there who also need connections.

    Just don't forget, no matter what hand you have been delt, you still have the hand!  Don't let what you don't have take away from what you do have.


  6. You're 22, I think now it's up to you to provide yourself the stability and home life you so desperately want. You can work toward buying yourself a home.. and yes, even starting your own family. You can have it all, and while it may be abit late in finding that father figure you want, you can be that to your own children someday, give them what you never had the chance to have yourself.  Just hang in there, it isn't silly to want what you lack, but it is silly to keep looking to the past when you still have your whole future ahead of ya.  

  7. yes my moms friend did at 40

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