
Is it possible for a Christian an a Hindu who fall in love with each other to be together at the end?

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A christian gal is in love with a Hindu guy and their relationship is confirmed. They both love each other. But knowing that Hindu cant marry other gal but a Hindu and not also sure that her parents will allow too.Is it impossible for them to win their love?the guy said at first he is confused to choose between love and religion but he said he will give priority on his love..If ever , will his parents allowed him to be with his Love..? Will they be able to accept a christian?What should be the best thing for them to do? Continue loving each other or stop ? Please help...thanks.




  1. If they really love one another, they will be together. They will set their beliefs aside and make it happen, because if there is one thing on Earth that is worth believing in, it is love.

  2. Most Christians are strange, you have to be careful what Christian cult they come from, and what sect of Christianity they worship with. The Hindu would have more luck marrying an aethist or a wiccan. Someone more down to earth and stable. They should probably stop if religion is that big of a deal to them, which it shouldn't be if they really love each other.  

  3. It will not be easy and it is difficult to predict the outcome.  They may accept you in time but they may not depending on how strong they are in their belief and how willing they are too make sure he is happy.  It is really a  decision you will have to make on whether you wish to pursue a relationship.  You have a problem that may not be easily solved.  If you are not deep in this relationship yet it may be best to end it before you are.  If you are deep into the relationship just understand that no couple knows whether it will work and last.  If they did there would never be divorces.  Best of luck on your decision.

  4. It's all about respect. If both of you respect each other's religion, there should not be any problems. The wedding could be a mixture of both religions or a general ceremony without religious undertones. If children come along later the children can be introduced to both religions. When they become teenagers, they should be allowed to decide which religion best suits them. After all religion is just man's search for a higher power or God.  

  5. It shouldn't matter who the person is, as long as they have that connection.

  6. Why not? But in my opinion they both have to respect each others religions if they are important to them.

    Most men no matter what their faith can be ignorant jerks expecting their women to convert.

    If your friend.."the young lady"..cares about her religion ..make it clear she won't convert. When they have kids...those kids should be exposed to both religions and when they grow up..they can choose for themselves.

    I have never heard of any male of any religion giving up his religion for the girl...its always been the other way around in my life experience.

    That includes the males of christian, jewish, buddhist, muslim and any other religions that I missed.

    If this guy really does give up his religion....then I'm impressed.

    He seems like a good guy to give up something important to him for love.

    So yes..I think they could be together as long as they respect each other. Why not?

    As for his family...really why do you care what they think?

    I know some some families of all different religions will have their bigots. If this particular hindu family gives them grief...remind them to control their prejudice.

    If they live in the USA ..they need to deal with interacial marriages and thats that.

  7. My cousin is Catholic and married a Hindu girl.  They had a Catholic wedding and an Indian wedding.  I don't know much about her parents, though.  If the two really love each other, hopefully their parents will understand.  And I knew an Indian girl whose parents were different religions, one Catholic and the other Hindu, but I think the Hindu parent converted...If religion is extremely important to both of them, then it will be difficult, hopefully they work it out if they care about each other that much.  

  8. Well, the Christian is going to heaven and the Hindu is hoping to come back here... so, no, they won't be together forever.  

  9. Even if they were allowed by their families to get married it would be a very hard life.  Eventually the religious differences will show through, especially if each persons religion is very important to them.  If they ever decided to have kids that would make it a million times harder.  Because both will probably want to raise the children in their own religion.  There is a lot to think about before making a lifelong commitment to someone with such different beliefs.

  10. if you change religion

  11. i think as long as people can seperate love from there religion, then yes. But both of you should study each others, religion. So you can be informed and understand where there comming from. Researching doesn't mean you have to believe.

    but if they can't get pass the different relgions, then no. I don't think its possible for then to be happy and to continue loving each other.

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