I will wake my 5 year old daughter up every morning throughout the week at 6:30 a.m for preschool and she still will stay awake until 10:30 or 11:00 at night. I wish I could get her to go to sleep at 9:00 every night. We have the same routine at night. I give her a bath at 8:30 and then it's time to get in the bed. I will lay down by her, she wants me to read a story, so I read her a story. Then I tell her it's sleep time and I turn off the lamp. She will lay there for 20 or 30 minutes quiet as can be and out of the blue she will say "mom I can't sleep" and I will tell her to close her eyes and try. Then the same thing happens 20 or 30 minutes later until its 10:30 or 11:00. And she is hard to wake up! If I didn't make her go to bed, she can stay up till midnight! I dont know what to do. I want her in bed earlier than that. Another thing...she does not drink caffeine period.