
Is it possible for a computer virus to jump hosts and infect a human?

by  |  earlier

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It happened with bird flu and mad cow. Why can't it happen with a computer virus too?

I've been feeling ill lately so should I give my computer a rest just in case?




  1. If stupidity was a crime you would be in jail for life!

    Please take to minutes and think of what you have asked.I hope you are sterile,we don't want any poor kids to inherit your brain!

  2. Are you serious???  You cannot honestly be concerning yourself with this.

  3. It is impossible for a computer virus to "jump host" to a human being.  The reason they call malicious program a "virus" is due its behavior.  It spreads thru out your system and its hard to disinfect.  Just because it has the name "virus" doesnt mean that it can infect a living organism.  I hope this helps.

  4. yep, remember the "i love you" virus back in the day? it mutated and now they call it SARS

  5. no they cant infect a human

  6. You're either a 6 years old or just stupid........judging from your other questions too!

  7. Al Gore says the planet has a fever.

    Now I know two idiots.

  8. one day that will be possible.

    it depends what kind of an outputs or means of control our computers will have in the future.

    for example

    if a computer can generate an odor

    it can recreate an airborne virus.

    or if we could control a computer directly with our brain cells.

    a computer hacker can reverse engineer the technology and attack our nervous system.

    it is possible. but not just yet, and not with our current technology.

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