
Is it possible for a country to be 100% self sufficient and be extremeley powerful?

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Is it possible for a country to be 100% self sufficient and be extremeley powerful?




  1. I don't think any country could be self-sufficient these days, no matter how powerful.

    The price of industrialisation and population growth.

  2. Technology and advancement have made the world a global village. It seems the way for a country to be prosperous today is to succeed in this interdependent world. A country might manage to be self sufficient but I don't think it can be powerful that way.

  3. No. There is no place on earth where you be 100% self-sufficient. Every single country has imports and exports, no country has all the resources it needs to be a superpower, (a really powerful country). Between oil, food, mineral, and technology, u're probably gonna need to buy it from another country. And there are extremly powerful countries. The US, China, Russia,..... they're all called superpowers.

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