
Is it possible for a creationist (Young or Old Earth) to win a Noble Prize?

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Is it possible for a creationist (Young or Old Earth) to win a Noble Prize?




  1. If you are willing to put your beliefs aside and do real science, you could win a Nobel prize. As Nobel prizes are given out for outstanding scientific breakthroughs, research about creationism could never win that honor. If you are familiar with the scientific method, you understand that creationism is based on mere beliefs without any shred of evidence. If you can figure out a sound scientific method to prove there is a god, you're in!

  2. ...Not likely.  If the late Yasser Arafat (a known terrorist) got the Nobel Prize (for doing nothing constructive), and Al Gore can get the Nobel Prize for hoodwinking the public with his environmental hokum and global warming fairy tales, then how would any conservative scientist or any other conservative get looked at seriously by the Nobel committee, or whoever it is who does the selecting?  It is stacked and controlled by liberals.

  3. YES....... but if they want to win the Nobel Prize in a SCIENTIFIC field, they will have to be able to make advances in a field of SCIENCE and prove all their claims SCIENTIFICALLY.

    The creationist might otherwise win the Nobel Prize in a different field, e.g. the Nobel Peace Prize or Prize for Literature.

  4. Yes because many scientists who established fields of science were creationists.

  5. No.One has to be loved by the world first and foremost.Andtrue science is not a requisite.Most scientists today are charlatans.The best ones keep their mouth shut to retain their jobs.They don't publish or lecture.

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