
Is it possible for a fertilised egg to implant after only a few days???

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Can a fertilised egg implant only a few days after ovulation and insemination?




  1. The earliest a fertilized egg can implant is 6 days after ovulation. It takes a minimum of 6 days to reach the uterus and implants. Less is impossible.

  2. when an egg gets fertilised it can take up to a week to implant in your uterus, and generally women dont fel this or have implant bleeding, it is far too soon to be feeling anything, if you ave some cramps then that could just be your uterus getting ready for your period if the egg doesnt implant, just wait till your period is due or late and take a test, good luck  

  3. It is always possible, if the egg travels quickly down the falopean tube and immediately finds a good rich place to implant in the womb. However, the procedure normally takes about 7-9 days.

    If you are feeling some symptoms of being pregnant, they are likely to be unrelated to any possible pregnancy as if the egg was fertilised it is probably still on its way to the womb and your hormones do not kick in until implantation.

    Stress is one of the big inhibitors of becoming pregnant. So all I can say is relax enjoy the days and nights, but mainly just stop worrying and being anxious. If it happens you will know soon enough anyway.

  4. probably yes i agree with the 1st answer

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