
Is it possible for a fetus to grow after being diagnosed with a blighted ovum?

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I was diagnosed with a Blighted Ovum but I wasnt to sure about the dates. I dont really understand alot of this but if Im wrong on my dates and I am only 6 weeks or so, is it still possible for a baby to develop in that sac?





    Check out this website.. it tells you what exactly happens when you have a blighted ovum...

  2. YES, okay check this out... I actually had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago-I had been bleeding for a week and a half, hcg levels were dropping down, and I lost my 8 week old baby.

    However, around 3 weeks b4 my miscarriage, I had gone for an ultrasound, and there was no baby, only empty sac. The doctor didn't say much. 2 weeks after that date, i went for another appointment and once again only empty sac, but that doctor said that it might be too soon, but I told him that I knew when I was ovulating since I checked on and he said that it could be true but I could have gotten a week later. Anyway, when I got home after that appointment I got an email about my past visit information, and right there it said "blighted ovum" I got so sad, that I guess the baby never formed.

    However,  a week and a half later, I went for another appointment due to the bleeding that I had for a week and a half(and very heavy by the way) and there was a baby with a heart beat!! I know I lost the baby anyway, but my point is that sometimes its just way too soon, and the baby is just too hard to find. So, don't worry about it, I mean blighted ovum can happen, but if you know when you conceived you do the math on your own, and even if you conceived that day, you could have gotten pregnant a week later. Good luck :)

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