
Is it possible for a few seperate incidents to happen over the course of many years...?

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I do not believe my house is haunted. But. Some strange things have happened. They happen so far apart though and so infrequently that it makes me think i'm just imagining it all. For example, i was laying in bed one night awake and i felt three fingertips gently touch my hip area and slide back about 2-3 inches. I sleep alone with my door locked. I turned the tv on to have light in the room and no one was there. Another time, I was sitting on my bed during the day (on Easter actually) and it was bright in my room and my door was open. I was alone in the house. I was on the computer and i saw a tall black shadow figure walk past my door (from the hallway into my parents room which is next to my room). Before my brain even registered what happened i got a chill down my back and through my whole body. I felt frozen in shock from seeing something. It was the size of a grown man. There is no way it was a passing car or anything like that. There is no explanation for it.




  1. I think that you may naturally attract spirits. Some people do,and they come at different times. Also they are spirits of different people. They can give messages for others, or yourself. Try this question in the Paranormal section, too.

  2. Get an MRI.  The feelings of fingers grabbing your hip.  Giving you night mares.  Have you seen it?  Does it look like a sick cat?  Does it make you want to puke?  It is a back-spazem.  Caused by blood vestles in your spine.  When you relax to sleep it happens.  The brain see's is as an intruder.  Trust your sences...get an MRI of your lower back.

  3. u are likely a sensitive to some degree and it would be healthy for your ultimate state of mind to learn how to deal w this sort of thing. u sound young and these things often develop as one ages.  first off if u feel scared nasty energies can feed off the insecurity.  but everyone says if you just tell them they are not welcome and cannot harm you then apparently they cannot.  on  the other hand perhaps they are there to help you so it is up to you to set the parameters of the relationship.  ie.. " u are only welcome if your intentions are good and healthy"  . it is said that most spirits hanging around our plane of existence are confused and those which are not are either trying to hinder or trying to help.  but you are the one in the physical body so you are the one in control of your reality. talk to them even if you cannot hear them talking to you.  show compassion and sympathy for their dilema BUT their life is done yours is not. if they bother you banish them.  true magic can be found in the living.....

  4. by thinking about it more and more you are giving energy to it and that's what they want to scare you.It happened to me too and I just told him that there is no way that you can hurt me and I am not scared.

  5. Time runs at different speed according to the awareness of the mind, so what you perceive happening separately can be perceived by the ghost as sequenced moments of one day.

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