
Is it possible for a home pregnancy test to show a positive result within 2 days of possible conception? ?

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We took a pregnancy test and it came out as positive (it was an equate pregnancy test). The only tablets we are taking are pre-natal vitamins. However, reading everywhere, it seems that getting a positive 2 days after possible conception date is next to impossible and most tests would show results only closer to the period date - around 2 weeks from conception. Are we missing something? We of course will do another pregnancy test in a couple of days.. Thoughts?




  1. You're either getting a false positive OR you're pregnant and farther along then you think! Good luck!

  2. hmm dont know about that.

  3. That is true.  There is no way that you could get a positive pregnancy test 2 days after conception.  Is there any way that you could have your dates off??  I would imagine that you are pregnant because false positives are very rare.  Could you possibly have conceived before you thought??  I would suggest getting your HCG levels checked via bloodtest as they might be able to date your pregnancy better.  Good luck and congratulations!

  4. no it normally takes about 2 weeks but a blood test can detect u pregnant 4 to 6 days after u got pregnant

  5. is it possible that you conceived last month ?  and got your period ?  idk  i would test again i hope it is right though gl  

  6. I am sorry but it had to have been a faulty test.

    2 days after conception, the egg is still slowly floating down your fallopian tube into your uterus.  It takes about 6 days for it to make the journey.  The HCG hormone, which a pregnancy test detects will not be in your blood system until the baby has implanted, about 7 days after conception.  Once it implants it still takes a couple days for there to be enough of the hormone for the pregnancy test to detect

  7. Nope it is not possible.  You can not get a positive till you are about 2 weeks pregnant.  Congratulations!  

  8. Maybe you were already pregnant. Or you ovulated at a different time than usual? As far as I know it would be impossible to get a positive 2 days after conception. I don't think pre-natal vitamins could have an effect but you never know, maybe try looking into that. But like I said before chances are you ovulated earlier than you thought you would.

    Oh and congrats on the positive : )  

  9. Well if by conception you mean implantation, then, it is possible to have positive within 2 days after "implantation" (which can take 4-10 days after egg is fertilized).

    if by conception, you mean date you last had s*x and probably fertilized the egg, then it is not possible.  then you are probably wrong on your date of conception. maybe you ovulated earlier than you thought and had already gotten lucky with your earlier tries. HcG hormone is only detectable in urine after implantation has happened and that too only couple of days afterwards.

    It is possible to have a very faint positive as early as 9dpo/10dpo (so 9-10 days after conception) with early HPT tests, or 7 days with blood test (assuming implantation happened early).

    btw, if you were undergoing fertility treatments and had an hcG trigger shot, that could also give you false positive 2 days after ovulation. hopefully that is not the case.

    in any event congrats and good luck.

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