
Is it possible for a husband find no other woman attractive than his wife ?

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just a fun question for the early morning do you think a married man does not "look" at attrictive woman (t.v in public magazines) it is possibe for some one to "only have eyes for you " or is it human nature to look what do you thin ?




  1. In evolution, it's very unlikely, as the man's role was to 'spread his seed'. It's perfectly harmless for a man to look at other women, h**l my partner and I (I'm bisexual) even play around when we're driving through the city, picking out women we like! haha.  

  2. There is a difference between appreciating beauty and wanting to bone that beauty.

  3. Even if the heavens opened and I was lucky enough to marry a guy that looks like Jude Law, that doesn't mean that when a guy like Lenny Kravitz walks by I won't be looking twice. LOL. Hormones don't know the difference :-)

  4. Its possible, but unlikely.

    If men are honest, they usually admit to looking.  

  5. It is biological that we feel the desire to spread our genes to as many offspring as possible, so no. It is our intelligence that dictates that we don't produce as many children (if any) as we could....but to answer your question, i am happily married to my wife, but i love beautiful women. Fantasies can't hurt anybody unless you act on them.

  6. Humans can take on something that's not human in nature.  For good or bad.  So, yes.

  7. Yep i think its absolutely possible to only be attracted to your wife.

    Everyone keeps making excuses for men when they cheat. Just yesterday there was a story on news that they found a "gene in the body" which is responsible for men cheating on their spouses.

    Im a guy, and i know its a load of sh*t.

  8. I think No. Everything is enjoyable when it is yours. But only other people's wives are more enjoyable.  

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