
Is it possible for a kosher Jew to eat in an Italian restaurant and order off the menu?

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I was watching CMT and they had "trading spouses" on. A kosher Jewish person was living with a Christian family. This made me think of the above question.

Italians restaurants put meat and cheese in everything. I eat Italian a lot. Would it be possible for a kosher person to eat Italian? Would they be restricted to vegetarian dishes?




  1. No > > > you already explained

    true Jewish would also know all the utensils are unclean

    5 points gone


    Following "God's" law is rather relaxed these days because  the government standards are higher than the bible  

  2. no most jews who keep kosher do not eat at italian resturants

    some italian resturants are kosher but usually owned by jews

    at most if your really hungry some might limit themselves to a salad on plastic silverware.

  3. No.  It's not only the food that's involved, it's the DISHES and silverware!  Orthodox Kosher Jews have separate tablewear for meat and dairy meals; and they are not interchangeable.  Meat and dairy cannot be served at the same meal, or on plates that were ever used for the other.....

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