
Is it possible for a land line phone to be tapped? If the answer is yes, how?

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Is it possible for a land line phone to be tapped? If the answer is yes, how?




  1. Yes. and two places one is at the main office hub where it could be taped by investigators or anywhere in between that place and your house by someone with a tap phone. A phone with two wires coming out of it with roach clips on the end, just like the ones the phone repair man would have to test the lines connection. the most common places for illegal taps are at any boxes where the phone lines come up from underground or down from the utilities lines, or at the greenish boxes that are ushualy in the front of your yard. The boxes up front are less likely because they are mostly in plane site. But the boxes that are from the underground wires or the utilities lines are more than likely on the side of a road. Where anyone who sees someone in it would think nothing of it. Especially if they have a white van or truck with a ladder on top.

  2. Um....yeah duh!!! You know cell phones havent been around for ever!!!

  3. The tap would occur at the Telco's central office for your area.  Of course a warrant would be needed to accomplish this.

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