
Is it possible for a molecule of water to do this?

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say i left water outside. and in the water there was molecule A. when the water evaporats it goes up to the sky molecule A goes as well. is it possible for it to land in a river/ocean have that water purified and wind up in my tap water?




  1. no, only water can evaporate, any other molecule will be left behind.

  2. Ya its possible the probability is so less that it takes around 12 years for the same water molecule to come back to you.

  3. Yes - the odds of a specific molecule doing so are very very tiny however...

  4. yes it is possible.

  5. well molecule A would dont evaporate (only water) think of boiling salt water...the salt is left behind.Yet if it rains then the water can run down on the molecule left behind and make its way to streams but in tap water the facilities do make some sort if filtiring..well atleast here in Salem, OR..i dont know about your city.

  6. No its not possible.

  7. I would imagine that the possibility of a single molecule being evaporated from your back yard, moving across the planet in a cloud, precipitating into a river that supplies your town and then that same molecule making it through the decontamination / filtration process and into YOUR tap water in your house, would be 1: infinity.

    BUT those people who say that a molecule could not be evaporated are wrong. It would depend on what the molecule was. Salt for example, wouldn't evaporate, but an ethanol molecule would.

  8. Please try using some punctuation in your sentences. You have run-ons that I don't understand. Also try some proper capitalization and some spell-check.

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