
Is it possible for a mother to not love her child?

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is it possible for a mother to not love (instictually and socially) her only child? if yes, what are the things that can make a mother not love her child?




  1. I know there is a disconnection disorder that some woman have (rare though) that can cause them to not be able to emotionally bond with even their own baby.  They just disconnect from it.  Baby blues and even Postpartum Depression can cause some woman not to bond or feel love for their own baby.  

  2. Usually a mother will have a regret for giving birth to them due to rape or an abusive father to the child. There can be bitterness which wont exactly be the child's fault but the mother wont be able to think on a level that we would think on. Holding grudges and pain for the child's other parent is usually the main reason who a mother wont love her child

  3. Sure. It happens fairly often. The mother may not have wanted a baby in the FIRST place... She may not have been READY to have the Child... There may have been "issues" in the mothers Life that make having the child an unpleasant "reminder" of it... -It's like anything in life. Some of us are just not "cut out" for some things- when they happen. And THAT goes for Motherhood- too.

  4. I think that sounds like severe post partum depression. i would look for a therapist. if not, possable adoption.  a child needs love.

    could it be the mother is afraid to love the child? maybe fears loss and  is too afraid to get close ?  i would seek professional help. there is nothing i  could think of to make a mother not love her child.

  5. it IS possinble but not likely

    more often, the mother loves herchild to death, but is usally in a state of drunkeness or whatever which makes ehr not care about the things she truly loves, inlcudeing ehrself, her future, her family and her kids

    for her to actually nto love her child she would probably have been abused as a kid, and maybv the kid was an accident she never wanted that ruined a lot for her 9but none of those curcumstnaces ever mean she doenst love her kid, they are just possibilites that could cause it. in most cases shell love her child even if someones elose died for the kid, because is her child

  6. if yes, she is probably not in a healthy mental state.

  7. I would say if a mother does not love their child it certainly wouldn't be anything that child did.  It would more likely be the result of some psychological issue the mother has.

  8. Rape and that child is the product of rape.  I've heard mothers refer to that child as a monster because they are a permanent reminder of the rape.

  9. Was the child just born?? Could the person be suffering from postpartum depression??  

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