
Is it possible for a person or animal to slip into another dimension or alternate reality?

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yes or no?

if its not possible why not?




  1. yea if u were to make it thought the other side of a black hole(not possible)



  2. your mind stops you from are dreams may not be what you think we probably do but the moment we come back its wiped off our memory like being under anesthesia. And also other dimension are not somewhere else they are right here all around you but you can only see your own dimension otherwise it would be hard to live properly seeing another you doing something else etc.

  3. Well, that really depends on what you mean by that.  Another dimension and an alternate reality can be considered two really different things.  Specify shat you mean by them and email me, hopefully then I will be able to give you a better answer.

  4. When scientists talk about other dimensions, they aren't talking about them in the way scifi shows do.  Other dimensions aren't places you can go - they are extremely small spacial dimensions curled up inside our current dimensions.  Basically, you're already in them.  

    And no, we don't know of any parallel universes or alternate realities.  So far, that's all science fiction.  No, you can't go there.

  5. Yes. Every event, no matter how small, has endless possibilities. We constantly change dimension and at such a rapid pace that we don't notice the changes. It is only when a "Twilight Zone" type event occurs that these shifts are brought to our attention.

  6. yes because a storng mind creates it own reality so it can control what happens in their dreams and their imagination

    a mind thats weak cannot and it will not be in control and it can happened that they see things that arent real like a cat walking on the street but its not their its just their imagination interfearing with their eyesight and things like that  

    and phisicly they cannot go there we ive in the 4th diminsion

    3rd diminsion is where it seem its there but not there like 3d movie

    2 deminsion as a flat dimesion where you cannot touch other people like in cartoon

  7. ex did it at traffic lights.

    Seriously tho.......this is one of those open-ended questions that depends on what is being defined.....and nothing is being defined. Questions like this force the person considering it to make their own definitions, and the result is a wildly amalgam of responses that, in my open, do nothing except smear out any real meaning.

    So........there are numerous dimensions......there are also numerous reasons why people slip into 'other dimensions'. I assume you mean parallel universe dimensions....correct? In the nebulous sense of your' physical being does not slip into parallel universes or alternate dimensions. You're reading too many comic books or too much main stream news.

    Physics just isn't there yet, and if I am interpreting your question one is disappearing into other worlds.

  8. yes it could be due to a mental illness.

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