
Is it possible for a police officer and a prosecutor to have a romantic relationship?

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I met a police officer when I was interning. I actually got to go out with the police. I had a blast and really enjoyed seeing what they do. I've heard about how they bring their jobs home, how they are not around, etc. This does not really bother me. I have a graduate degree in criminal justice and criminology. I also plan on attending law school to be a prosecutor. Violent crimes don't really bother me nor does a lot of the societial problems they police deal with as well. I'm not overly emotional nor do I need to be with someone all the time. It doesn't bother me not to celebrate holidays etc. on the right days. Discussing what they see doesn't bother me because I am in that field myself. Working different shifts doesn't bother me either. Both of my parents did this for years and have been married about thirty years. I don't plan on dealing with cases he's involved with nor do I plan on giving any type of legal advice to him. Does anyone have an opinon regarding this?




  1. Yes.

  2. I don't think you'll have any problem.  Your both in the field of criminal justice, so I don't think their would be any sort of conflict of interest.  In fact from what you described, it sounds like a cop is just the right kinda guy for you.

    Just remember to always follow your ethics.

  3. You'll want to be careful if he too is a "thinker" rather than a "feeler" -- and many cops are -- because it would basically be a "relationship" between two a******s...not that feelers don't have their flaws, god knows they do. Sorry to put that bluntly, but your approach to mate selection seems systematic and it can lead to errors.

    You also say you don't need to be with someone all the time (maybe you even prize your "alone time"); well, many cops tend to suspicious of people who don't interact openly with them. Not all, but police work is naturally appealing to that kind of temperament.  Better be sure you can deal with the paranoia...

  4. i think it'd be fine as long as it's legal. =) good luck!

  5. Why wouldnt it be possible? Before either of you are police officers or prosecutors you are people. People have feelings......get it?

  6. Must be -in York County Maine there 2 prosecutors married to State Troopers

  7. its legal. if you look at statistics most single police officers meet their future girlfriends/boyfriends when on the job. cops can even date other cops. one cop i kno is married to a cop that works for another city.

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