
Is it possible for a recently installed electric meter to not register my proper usage.?

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Is it possible for a recently installed electric meter to not register my proper usage.?




  1. Anything is possible.

    Call your electric company and ask them.

    There is no recourse however, since you have no way to show what the correct usage was.

  2. Yes.  Some years ago we had a new meter installed, at the insistence of the electricity board at the time.  Some months later we received a bill for £5000, and yet just 6 months earlier we'd had a refund for overpayment.  The electricity company were useless - refused to help/admit there must be a problem.  It was someone from our gas company that queried whether the leccy board might  have put in a 'reconditioned' meter.  Of course that was the answer - they were trying to bill us for someone else's electricity that was already clocked up on a second-hand meter they had installed.  Needless to say we moved our electricity supply to the gas board after that.

    When they installed the new meter did they give you a slip of paper to say it had been done?  That was what I had to search out, it was a sort of carbonated yellow paper (but 10 years ago now) and that's what proved the meter reading was not zero when it was installed.

    Good luck.

  3. Of course it is possible that the new meter if faulty or has been installed incorrectly.

    If in doubt contact your supplier who will have to check it is working correctly.

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