
Is it possible for a roller coaster to be on a cruise ship???

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well is it?????




  1. Yes !! The Royal Caribbean cruise line will launch a new megga cruise ship next year called a Genisis Class ship and it will be big enough for a roller coaster.  BUT IT WILL NOT HAVE ONE.

    You can look at its features at this web site:

  2. Not that would be any good. Even the new Genesis class ship will not be wide enough to allow for the twists and turns of most modern roller coasters. You need a lot more area than a cruise ship deck would allow.

  3. hm.. well maybe. but it could be impossible....

  4. I suppose it would be possible, but the additional weight factor and momentum of a roller coaster, could, in theory make the ship unstable and top heavy.

    And are you really going to want to be laying on the pool deck and every 30 seconds a roller coaster goes roaring over?

  5. Ill guess its possible but I dont know any boat that has one. But mane cruise ships have water slides thou. Johan

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