
Is it possible for a snooker matcj to be a draw?

by  |  earlier

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  1. No, if the scores are even, the black ball is replaced, and both players "lag" to see who goes first (they hit the white ball down the table, let it rebound up the table,and the closest to the cushio wins) and then with the whte in the D they play for the black  - however gets that in wins.

  2. NO, if scores are level at the end of a game....the black is re spotted & the first to knock it in is the winner.

  3. The answers above are all correct, but they all fail to mention that you do not have to pot the black to win (although its the most common result) if your opponent was to play a foul shot (miss ball, in-off etc) then you score the 7 points and win the game. The black ball is only ever scored once when it is the last ball on the table, unless after the frame the scores are tied and then it is replaced to be scored once (but only once) more.

  4. Yes it is.

    Sorry to all the other guys who answered, who incidentally are correct with regards to playing a single frame, but the question asked if a match can be a drawer.

    In my local league matches each player plays only 2 frames against his opponent. So my individual match can result in a 1-1 draw, and the teams match results could result in 6-6 draw.

    This is perhaps only really suited for leagues which handicap players. So I am not sure if non-handicap leagues do the same.

  5. no the players will go into sudden death-first to pot the black

  6. no if the scores are even they re spot the black and the first one to knock it in wins

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