
Is it possible for a teenager to live alone?

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My family are horrible to me, especially my mum. My dad is okay, but is influenced by my mum and believes lies she tells him. I can't take living with them anymore, and was wondering if I could live in an apartment or something or do you need to be 18+ to do that? I have a steady job, and could work extra shifts if I needed to.




  1. if you are like 17 yes you can probable live along but if you are 15 and just sick of your family you are going to have to deal. If you have serious reason to get away from your family ie: abuse you can legally go through emancipation

  2. Unless you're 16, it's not possible. At 16 you can probably get emancipated but only serious cases get that treatment and i highly discourage that because it's extremely difficult.

  3. ummm i think u can as long as long as u have ur parents approval cuz if u dont then ur parents can get arrested i think....idk check out this link :)i spent 30 mins trying to find something like it so it had better help lolz ;)

  4. I did it.  I was put out of the house at 16 because I was pregnant.  I got an apartment on my own with a check that I got off of my late father.  However....when the baby was about 5 months old I got a visit from CPS.  Because I was underage they were gonna make me go into foster care but after they really sat down and looked things over they decided that since my 18th birthday wasnt but a few months off and I had a good job, the baby was in good health and had a good babysitter and my apartment was well furnished with everything myself or the baby would need they let me stay where I was...although I had regular visits for the next year.  I was fortunate enough that they were willing to work with me cuz that usually isnt the case.

  5. In Canada, you can be 16 to be able to move out on your own without permission.  Other than that, find a relative, mainly your "GodMother."

  6. WHAT ABOUT SCHOOL???   I know it is very frustrating and I am sure they do these things but you have dealt with it this long...   You need to finish school then move out....

  7. well wait 2 years and see. 16 is too young. you do have to be 18. sorry. but still work to earn enuff for your place and youll be outtta there in a heart beat.

    p.s. if you are 16, why is your nickname sexbomb727?

  8. Honestly, you'd have to be emancipated. Sorry, but you're stuck, unless you can arrange to live with a relative or something like that.  

  9. Doubt it.

    Seeing as if you left you could be reported as a runaway and such.

    Gonna have to stick through it for a few more years.

  10. s***w that; tell your parents they need to get their c**p together.

  11. No you don't have to be 18 +, but know  that it is not easy.  You can get free legal advice if you really want to pursue it.  Think it through very carefully.  I hope it works out for you.

  12. I lived out on my own Junior and Senior Year in High school. I Had a roommate that was over 18 years old  and I paid half the rent. It worked out awesome, It would help you save money also instead of paying for everything yourself. Good luck

  13. Have to be 18 hon,BUT you can maybe stay with a friend or relative if they are willing to take you in.

  14. okay...ummm.i think you can.Its called emancipation. It means that you are legally recognized as an adult despite not yet being of age. Talk to a lawyer if you are serious.

  15. its illegal

  16. need to be 18 and its alot more difficult then it seems. just try and stay with a friend for a few days and cool of from them

  17. Not legally.

  18. i do not know your age, or if you still have school to go to. i believe 18 is the age to get an apt. and for sure living on your own is no piece of cake.

    my mom and i had plenty of problems when i was a teenager and lived at home. it would be helpful if you could have a talk(not a yelling match) with your mom and get things straight.. like the lies.  ask her  why she is telling lies, or could it be you are not being totally straight with her so she thinks you are telling her lies? if not possible to have a real conversation with mom, try talking with dad( ask him when he has a few minutes you would like to talk to him.. not when he is busy doing something)  i find that if people are busy or rushing out the door or even watching the news that it is not the time to have a one on one conversation. there is something missing from your question. usually people do not lie about others  they live under the same roof with.  it would be best to talk this out with maybe both parents at the same time. ask them to let you know exactly what they are upset about and you do your best to stay calm and tell them  what you can and will

    do to make things better.  at least they will know, you know there is a problem and are interested in making peace in the home.. remember that they are paying the bills and providing shelter for you so you do have an obligation to respect their rules.. i know it's tuff. but it is true

  19. pack your bags call a friend and tell them that your going to start crying and talk to your parents and if they don't agree and say you're being dumb and other things like that say your coming over then just leave and tell your parents you need to be away from the stress and how you want to be better than that.

  20. yes but it is not legel but if you dont want to talk about what is legel or not then   i guess you have to have a job  have somewhere to live and also have a well education

  21. An answer to your important question.

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  22. Its best if you just talk to your parents

  23. You can get a place if you have a good enough job and bring in the finances to show that your capable of taking care of all the bills and mortgage without problem.  You do however have to be employed for most realitors for a period of time to show that your stable.

    Now, for the age, most people dont rent to people in that age group for several reasons.  One, they assume that it is your first place of living alone and the place is going to get ruined due to not knowing how to live alone yet.  Two, chances are your not going to be a reliable tentant and move out as soon as your lease is up if you can make it for that long due to the reality of what bills and rent are really all they are cracked up to be.

  24. look into getting emancipated from your parents. I moved out at 15 and had an apartment shortly after. If you are emancipated you can do this. I had a problem getting an apt at first because my mom was finding out and calling landlords before I could move in. But..thats a lot of responsibility. Do you have a friend you could stay with and pay rent.? Good luck ... dont forget everything happens for a reason and it always gets better. It did for me.

  25. thats my life story u got there hun.

    You have to be 16 to legally move out, and be able to support yourself. It takes a c**p load of work to cover bills etc and housework, not to mention transport costs because ur parents wont drive u anywhere. Also anyone under 18 is going to have a hard time getting someone to rent them a place, especially since there is a market boom at the moment and there is a problem with anyone getting housing. But if you think you can handle cooking, cleaning, the never ending bills, school, work and a life then try it. But you better have at least a thousand dollars saved up just in case

    I couldnt believe how hard it was when i moved out at 18, i moved home after 7 months, and yeah parents arent the best but u dont realise how much they actually do for you and pay for you

  26. NO, yes u hab to w8 until u got 18 if ur parents r like dat den ignore it or if u hab aunt, or uncle then ask them if u can live wid them so that ur parents will miss u lil bit ;)  

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