
Is it possible for a (type 1) diabetic to live on one injection of lantus a day?

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Yeah if there's anyone who does I'd love to hear from you and also what you eat on an average day

Also to lantus users do you find that it goes like this (hard to explain?)_---__________ like it has a little burst and then settles down?

Just curious!




  1. You need to count carbs and cover them with a fast acting insulin.

    Your endocrinologist will help you with this.

    Also find a dietitian.

  2. I have type 1 and i use lantus once a day, before i go to sleep. it works fine for me, and many other people use it. Its a long acting insulin. I usually have cereal in the morning, a sandwhich at lunch and during the day ill eat chips or some fruit and have maybe pasta for dinner. be sure to eat a bedtime snack too. As long as you cover your meals and snacks with a short acting insulin, likehumulin or novolog, you can pretty much eat whatever you moderation of course

    i use 28 units a day.

  3. I take 50 units of Lantus between 11pm and midnight everyday.  I watch carbs and calories closely, and use Humalog to compensate.  And yes,  there is a little burst of insulin the 1st 2 hours I take it.  My sugar tends to go lower when I 1st open the bottle.  I like it alot though, and I find that it works well.

  4. I used to ask the same thing of my daughter's doctor.  Why can't she have extra lantus and then be done with shots for the day?  But Lantus is a slow release, throughout 24 hours, you have to cover meals with a short acting one, otherwise you'll have sugars in the 400-600 range!  Unfortuantely you won't find a type 1 who relies only on Lantus.  And if you ever did... well you wouldn't want advice from him!  It's wayyyyy too dangerous.  

    Not sure I know what you mean about the "burst".  Do you mean peak?  It does peak, but I find that peak more at the 12 hour mark.  It doesn't peak as much as NPH though.

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