
Is it possible for an 11 year old girl to be pregnet?

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my dumb freind just told me that this girl in are class is pregnet.i said its impossible but he just kept on saying that she said she is .my guestion is is it even phisicaly possible or is he ******* with me.srry for realy this isnt a joke he keeps on saying this.




  1. well that girl can not be pregnant unless she has already gotten her first period.anyways i don't think an 11 year old would want to that stuff so i don't think there is a possibility for her to be pregnant

  2. Okay, um yes an11 year old could get pregnant. That is of course if she has reached the puberty stages (in other words she has got her menstrual period) It is very possible in that particular.

  3. like the other guy said, it is possible, but improbable. Because a womens body cant form too many eggs in that much time. But she's probably joking around.

  4. well im 12 and im a dude. I was on the toilet and the only mag that was there was a cosmo girl. i was reading it and it said that girls can get there period at as young as 8 years old and as far as i no if you have started your period than you can get pregnat. the answer is yes an 11 year-old CAN get pregnat

  5. Yes, it's possible.   When I was in 6th grade there was a girl who suddenly stopped showing up for school.   I assumed she moved away.   Then I saw her during the summer and she looked 9 months pregnant.   I was stunned.  That was in the 1970s when young girls seem to suddenly "vanish" from school before the pregnancy started showing.   She was either 11 or 12 years old.  

    Then it happened again with another girl I knew when I was in 7th grade.    She was 12.   Her baby was stillborn.   She returned to school again in 8th grade like nothing happened.   She went through 26 hours of labor just to deliver a dead baby and most of her peers were still virgins.   She certainly experienced a lot more than the rest of us.   That's for sure.

  6. Of course it's possible! Girls can get pregnant as young as 8 or 9. Once you start menstruating, you are able to get pregnant.

  7. as long as that girl has hit puberty-such as getting her period and what not  you can get pregnant at any age...

  8. umm, yeah that is a possibility if she has her period and if an older man did but to be honest i hope she is not because the baby could die considering the young age ... and c if she has a big stomach cuz he mite be making fun of that ...

  9. Yes it is, if shes had s*x, and if shes started her period. But hes a guy, he could be making stuff up. There was once a five year old who got pregnant, you should search it. She was fully developed at the age of five, and her father abused her (which is how she got pregnant) I know...its sick. But its true.

  10. It could happen. If she has had a period then she is able to have a baby. But if she has not started her menstrual cycle then she cant be pregnant. I started at 12 so it is very possible for a girl to have started at 11.

  11. It's certainly possible. It's a little unusual, but not unheard of for girls that young to cycle and if she is, she could be pregnant. My sister got her period when she was 9. It is certainly creepy thinking about it though.

  12. It is definately possible. There was a welfare case close to here were a girl was took from her parents for being molested and she was pregnant at the age of 8 years old. FACT.

  13. It is very much possible.

    If the girl has started her p e r i o d.

    A girl can start there p e r i o d as early as age 6.

    She would have had to have $ 3 X with a boy who has started p u b e r t y.

    But normally, you have to be completely se xu al ly mature which occurs around the age of 14.

    If she is not matured, then she will probably get an a b o r ti on.

    Because if she were to carry thru with the birth, Either her or the baby will die [most likely]

    But your friend could be lying.

    I know 2 girls, One gave birth at age 9 (we were in 3rd grade) she had twins and 1 died during birth, she lived, and the other twin died 3 weeks later. The other is now 13 and is prego, but we do not know if she will make it. But she has had $ 3 X so many times, we believe she is completely mature.

  14. hes deffinetly kidding. however it is possible.  little girls in africa get married at 8 and have kids at 10, i saw this on oprah so trust me. however there is a problem when they do this because when the baby comes they sort of "leak" pee everywhere and there is a certain doctor who fixes it.

  15. yeah its possible if she has had s*x and has hit puberty even if she hasn't started her period its possible

  16. ok it is totaly possible IF she has had her period and she has had s*x plus the only way he would know would be if he helped or his best friend did and please stop f****n cussing seriously if you  cus to mu ch this will be your sentences " Your f****n *** is going to be goin to **** if you dont stop talking ******* you ***** !" trust me this randome kid called my friends cell soshe gave it to me to answer and he started cussing

  17. it is possible, but unlikely, depends onn if they have hit puberty or not.

  18. It is possible if she got her period and had s*x. It is physically possible but not very likely for an 11 year old girl to ahve s*x.

  19. If she has already started her monthly menstrual period and is sexually active.... YES.

  20. It's possible if she has started her menstrual cycle and is sexually active.  Kids these days are starting earlier and earlier with puberty and having s*x.

  21. Yes it is possible, yet he is probably lying. Tell him not to joke about things like that because that leads to serious rumors. It is possible as long as you have your period(puberty). I got my period at the age of 10 and my aunt has got it at the age of 9. Good luck!

  22. The youngest girl to ever have a baby is 9 years old so it is possible.

  23. Only if shes had her period already, if she hasnt then no, its not possible.

  24. i remember when i was about 9 my friend told me 'my friends having her baby today and she's only nine' LOL. and well yano if 13 year olds can do it why cant 11 year olds =/ anythings possible these days?

  25. its possible if the girl had hit pubity and of course lost her virginity - i cud n't tell u if he was jkin around or not because i dnt know him lol but it is possible - but of course who ever slept with her should b charged with rape - she is 11 !!! for gods sake what is with ppl today cant they just wait till the legal age

  26. any girl that has stated her puberty (her period) can get prego @ whatever age it does not matter as long as she is producing her egg cells

  27. It is very possible for an 11 year old to be pregnant; if she has her period and was having s*x. It is unlikely though. Tell your friend that he should think of something else to talk about :)

  28. Yes.  With modern nutrition we have made it possible for girls to go through puberty earlier and thus become pregnat.

  29. There is no way of knowing if he is lying...not from my end anyway. BUT it is possible. If she has been sexually active and has had a period already then absolutely possible.

  30. yes. when you get your first period you are then able to get pregnant. but usually in an 11 year old the baby does not survive. btu yes very possible.

  31. If she has gotten her piriod of course. If not it is a lie. She could be lying to get attention,maybe get your mom or dad to mention it to her parents to see if it is true or not. I hope this helped!


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