
Is it possible for an Australian state to separate from Australia?

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Like declare its independence.




  1. There is nothing in either the Australian Constitution or a state Constitution like Queensland's that allows separation from Australia. See the Australian Constitution at and Qld's Constitution at

    Hutt River Province has not seceded from Australia - they only think they have! The Australian Govt and WA Govt do not recognise this region as being outside their jurisdiction. The last person who answered was also incorrect in saying that the Australian Constitution contains a section about breaking away from Australia - it does not. If you have a look at Chapter VI of the Australian Constitution, you see there are provisions for the addition of new states, and for states to give up some of their land but there is nothing about seceding from the Commonwealth.

    It is also clearly incorrect to say that "Australians can break away from the government and the government has no legal power over the citizen"

  2. Yes any state can break away from the commonwealth or areas can become a province like hut river province or the province  in mildura.A province can have its own elected king if it likes.There is a section in the Australian constitution about breaking away or forming new states.Australians can break away from the government and the government has no legal power over the citizen.

  3. Good luck with that. That's what started the civil war here in the US.

  4. Sir Joh Started that idea with Queensland some years ago and wow its was not well recieved at all. Think you will find the wounds are still healing today as the rest of Australia gets over the thought that Queensland thought it was a little more special than the rest of us states.

    EDIT: its time to become a republic

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