
Is it possible for an unmarried couple to live together in Dubai?

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Is it possible for an unmarried couple to live together in Dubai?




  1. Yes.  You just have to be diligent about keeping it on the downlow b/c it is technically illegal.  

    It's not like there's immigration police checking apartments.  However, if you do happen to be in a situation where police are involved and they happen to ask for your marriage papers i think the worst that would happen is that you would get deported (i.e not raped and stoned.)

    I suggest at least wearing fake wedding rings or if you have the resources and are very worried, getting a fake marriage certificate

  2. No. It is not legal. They may do some residential visits and ask for a marriage certificate. I would not recommend it at all. You could get deported and face legal charges.

  3. no

  4. No. If they even see an unmarried couple in a car, they can gang rape the woman and have the man stoned to death in a pit.

  5. No its against the law if you are caught you both will be punished as per dubai law and will be banned for forever entering in UAE

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