
Is it possible for anyone to learn how to sing?

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Can it be learnt to an extent over the internet? With different breathing techniques and stuff? My voice is terrible and I'm desperate to learn how to sing, my friends all have a band and want a singer and I want to be that singer so I want to work like crazy no matter how to learn if its possible.




  1. Hmm...well, if you've already started researching, you've probably already read all the "use your diaphragm" basics and all that, but you probably have no idea what it means.

    assuming you're asking this because you don't want to go to a vocal teacher and pay $30 per lesson, I'm gonna suggest you ask somebody that has taken lessons or somebody "in the know" about singing techniques to explain to you the basics, like, the breathing, using the diaphragm, air control, and even crazy things my teachers would say like "bouncing the wave off of your top palate as it's coming out." The thing about it is it's very very very physical (not like that, dirty mind), and you're going to need a block to jump of off.

    all I'm sayin' is you probably can get up to a decent level reading and practicing and listening to yourself (recording yourself is critical -- start doing it now) with just online help, but all it is that you're going to want to understand the physical meaning of the terminology, cause reading that you "need to use your diaphragm to push up the air through your vocal chords to sing" isn't going to make much sense until someone helps you do it. So get that someone, and then you can probably make it on your own.

  2. GET A TEACHER RIGHT AWAY! I can't stress how important this is. A friend who's a singer will probably not be the same. a good teacher is CRUCIAL! I'm sort of in the same situation since I'm in a band that has one singer. However, we all really want back-up vocals since we have several songs that have multiple vocal parts and also want to cover some songs with multiple vocal parts. I tried to get my friend, who's been classically trained since he was 5, but to little success. I got a voice teacher freshman year in college but she was pretty terrible too. we jumped straight into singing with little emphasis on technique. she gave me a cd with warm-up scales and said to practice them a lot with proper posture. currently, I'm with a teacher who is AMAZING. I've gotten SO much better in the past month and a half. Why? because I finally learned what it means to use your diaphragm when you breathe. I'd heard it a ton but never really learned the proper way to do so. I finally have, and it's ridiculous how much better you sound! also, I can now hold notes for longer and sing for longer periods of time without breathing! learning how to breathe properly has also helped me in reaching higher notes. Before I could consistently get an F4 and on good days get a G4 half the time. Now I can consistently get a G#4 and am hoping to eventually nail down the A too, something I didn't think was possible. so really, don't waste your time with internet lessons. sure, they can work if you really really know what you're doing and have had experience. it's really much better to find yourself a good teacher. ask everyone you can think of that might know one and keep looking until you find someone who's gotten good reviews and who starts with the basics  and builds up. you will be amazed at how much you can improve. obviously, everyone can improve different amounts and has a limit of how much they can improve, but I'm sure that if you are as dedicated as you sound your band will realize how much you care and work around your range/skill (our singer's really good but is a baritone and can't sing past F#4, but we've gotten used to it =) ). best of luck!

  3. Ok.   Well if you dont have any experience in singing, thats ok.  you CAN learn how to sing. But if you dont have any rythm or you cant hear the difference in notes, (which some people dont have rythm and some people cant hear the difference between an A sharp  and a C flat.)  its impossible to sing. =(  Whats sad though is that you cant learn rythm unfortunately.  Its something your either born with or without.   Im not sure if you can learn how to hear for different notes though.  If you could, im sure it would take quite a while and you would have to be constantly around music.  Not hip hop pr rock music but more like country music.  Thats the best music to listen to if you want to learn how to sing.

    The best thing to do if you want to improve your singing is listen to a really good singer like mariah carey, whitney houston, Carrie underwood etc.  and sing along with them.  The high notes that they hit,  I know it may sound awful to you and its embarassing,  but try to hit them.  That will improve your vocal range.     Now dont think after a couple weeks,  or a couple months that your gonna be this awesome singer.  It takes time.   Even though you may not be able to see it you will be improving.  A really good way to hear yourself improving is record yourself singing then every two weeks record yourself and listen to both of them.  If you are singing every day and pushing yourself, you should hear a big difference.  Just keep working hard and im sure you can do it.

    I know you may nt know what this means, but sing with your stomach.  Dont sing through your nose.   Thats just about all I can tell you.  The rest your just gonna have to learn from experience.

    I hope I helped.  =)  goodluck.

  4. you need to take some singing lessons. the instructor will

    let you know if you have any singing ability. not everyone can sing. ive heard it said if you can tell when someone is off key when their singing you can learn how to sing.

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