
Is it possible for car insurance to refuse to pay and have me responsible for an accident?

by  |  earlier

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I was involved in a accident in September of 2004, I hit an vehicle at speed of 10mph, there was barely any damage on other persons car, my light was damaged (paid $350, for replacement) at the time I had full coverage with certain insurance company. At the time of the accident the other party reassured the police officer and me that she is not injured, I was cited for careless driving. Later on injured party sued insurance company for 15K for loss of enjoyment of life!! But they refused to pay, now I am served with a lawsuit and I have no idea what to do!




  1. It sounds like the statute of limitations has long expired. I think they have two years from the date of the incident to file a suit. Check your dates .

    You definitely need the advice of an attorney  

  2. You need to get in contact with your insurance company - the one you had at the time of the accident.  I believe that they will defend you in the suit and will pay if you are found liable.  But, contact that company ASAP as it is a time sensitive matter and they only have a certain amount of time to file a reply.

  3. I think your insurance company is liable. get in touch with a lawyer to be sure

  4. sounds like the  person is out to make money and found a idiot lawyer who thought they could do it.  your insurance company will not pay out if there is nothing to pay for.  what the h**l is loss of enjoyment of life?  can they no longer work, have s*x, hold their child????  trust me if you have any type of decent company they will fight this one to the end.  let your company handle this for you as they have lawyers too and I guarantee they are better than the other persons.  your company should have someone representing you on this.  call them and talk to them.

  5. I am sure they refused to pay - as they should if the other person wasn't hurt.  The lawsuit always names the driver as a defendant.  If you and your insurance company loose the suit, the insurance company will pay.

    Insurance companies don't pay just because someone wants them to or because someone makes a claim.  You actually have to be injured and prove it before they will pay out...

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