
Is it possible for children to be too well behaved?

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The other day I had to baby-sit. I generally don't like kids, but these guys were great. Afterword, I spoke to a few friends and they seemed to be unanimous in their opinion that these kids were creepy Stepford children. To me, it just seemed that they did what they were told, played nicely, went to sleep when they were supposed to and generally well behaved. Again, I thought they were great but is it actually possible for children to be too well behaved?




  1. really does not sound possible but if they where that good their parents  have everything together with them so you can say that are very well trained so no not really just raised to be civilized humans but i think they have you tricked look Innocent but so evil  

  2. My kids are like this also when with other people. In general they are very well behaved (they are 4 and 3). I find they will play up here on occasions, but if they are out, they are little angels :) There is nothing wrong with this. I like to think that I am bringing up my kids to be comfortable in their own home, but also to have respect for people and things around them.

  3. yep if parents are really strick, most times their good when there younger then rebel in their teen's.

  4. I think in general some kids are better behaved when around strangers or people they're not too used to.

  5. You only watched them once, of course they were well behaved; no one is perfect, give it time.  : )

  6. Yes but this means they want somthing or do somthing so don't fall for it

  7. Leela doesn't know what she is talking about. My kids have always been like that, very well behaved, we have always gotten compliments everywhere we go. I am proud of it and don't think it is creepy to have well behaved kids. I think your friends are jealous if they have children that don't behave that way. My oldest are twins turning 14 in a couple months and no "rebelion" here. They are great kids and honor roll students. Being strict and expecting them to be respectful doesn't cause rebelion. Being overly protectvie and going overboard with punishments causes rebellion. Parents who focus on punishment will have kids who rebel. My kids are well behaved because of good parenting, of good punishment.

  8. I think so yes. Children have a right to be children (by this i mean that they have a right to make a mess now and again, and to argue with their siblings). They can be brought up with no real freedom.

    However, if the children you baby-sat were happy, then i don't see a problem with how they were acting.

  9. I wouldn't think so,   how can they.  You sound like you had a great time with some good kids, whats wrong with that?

    Full marks to the parents for bringing them up so well,  some cannot be bothered to bring them up at all they re dragged up!!

    It seems like its not pc to TELL a child to do anything you've got to ask and cajole,  not a good idea if its a serious request.  

  10. Ha ha - sometimes I wish my two boys were like this!

    Seriously though, I think that it's not normal for kids to be like this all the time. Kids should have a bit of rebellion & personality about them.

    I could be that they were being good for you - may not be the case for the parents.

  11. You "generally don't like children" and yet you babysat. Do the parents of these children know this. They have brought their children to be well behaved and polite and then made the mistake of leaving them with someone like you.

  12. You "generally don't like kids"...?  Why were you babysitting.  Do these good children's parents know you don't like kids?

    Kids have their good days and their bad days, just like everyone else.  You caught them on a good day and you may catch them on another...OR you may catch them on a bad day, but it wouldn't mean they weren't good kids - it would mean they were just people with their up and down days just like everyone else has.

    Seriously, why are you taking babysitting jobs when you don't like kids??  There are other things you can do for extra money that won't subject you to the source of your dislike...and that won't subject kids to a person that doesn't enjoy them.

  13. if you raise your children correctly this is how they should act.  

  14. My opinion is, as long as they seem happy - and are having fun... than its not a big deal.  My sister and i both were VERY much like this (ok, we fought with each other - but only behind closed doors.)  And we turned out fine.  Im due in 3 wks and i honestly HOPE my child is like we were.  I think a lot of parents today dont understand that a "kid can be a kid" without being disrespectful, loud, rude, and messy.   There is a time and place for everything - and based on what you're discribing, they did exactly as they should of.

    Bravo to those parents! Out of curiosity, how old were these kids? My worries about trying to raise my child in this manner is the influence from her friends or her friends parents to "just be a kid" (in the bad way). Knowing that it can still be done is very encouraging.  

  15. Most kids are well behaved for someone that is not in the family, but when family is around, look out! all heck breaks loose. My kids are wonderful for anyone else but can be holy terrors around me, grandparents and aunts/unlces. They may have been told if they were good for you they would get some sort of surprise or if they were bad, consequences would be rough on them. So they played it safe not wanting to deal with the consequences of their actions.

  16. my daughters are the same am blessed to have to brilliant girls

    my daughter go to bed straight away at 7:30 and secs later both are asleep and when we are out they are really good people comment on how well my kids are am 22 with a 4 years old and a 11 month old  

  17. Sometimes, when children are raised by extremely strict parents, they can be EXTREMELY (perhaps too) well-behaved. While it is good that they are well-behaved, they can also sometimes grow up to be overly submissive adults who lack self-confidence and never question authority.

  18. I find it sad that in this day and age someone has to ask if kids can be too well behaved!  Children have gone downhill from what they used to be.  If you raise your kids correctly--and don't listen to society that is pretty much teaching kids to be in charge of their home--then you WILL have well-behaved children.  I get compliments all the time on my children and they are in no way perfect.  It is the best feeling in the world when someone tells you that you have wonderful children!

  19. Some kids respond really well to the novelty of a new babysitter.  I bet if you babysat them half a dozen times you'd start to see another side to them as they worked out how to get round you!

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