
Is it possible for civil engineer to make six figures in a city like miami?

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i am becoming a civil engineer and i am in my second year of college i like engineering and wanted to know is it possible to make six figures a year . I have met someone who has made it but wanted to know if it is common ?




  1. Visit this website and you can earn enough online while studying itself.

  2. In Florida you will start out in the mid to high $40k to low $50k straight from college no matter where you live in Florida.  By the time you get your PE most engineers in Florida are making around $60k to $80k depending on the company.  To make six figures in civil engineering you have to be with a company for awhile be head of a department or manager or own your own business.

    Right now and the foreseeable future, the job market in Florida for civil engineers is bleak.  I know of a lot of civil engineering firms in Florida that are laying off people or not hiring.

    I remember going to a career fair at UF a couple of years ago and civil engineering firms were grabbing any student with a civil engineering name tag on, trying to hire you but this past career fair, I would say the majority of the civil engineering firms that I talked to weren't hiring or just accepting applications for jobs outside of Florida.

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