
Is it possible for corporal punishment to come back any time soon?

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i was just wondering??!!




  1. I agree with Mrs. J. Corporal punishment is still used just not as publicly as it once was. There are still good parents out there. I'm not saying that spanking is the only thing that works. Every child is different, but you can bet if my children misbehave they will get consequences which will include corporal punishment.  

  2. It never left...

    While kids are stilling getting spanked,

    parents don't broadcast the fact that they use it.

    Some people equate spanking with abuse,

    which it is not.

    I don't think a 10yr old will go around bragging that

    he or she got a spanking either.

  3. In mine too, when it;s necessary.

  4. It never went away.

    EDIT** Mrs. J loves her husband** Liberal wusses? No spank means no discipline? lol Tell that to my children who have never been spanked....they will get as good a laugh out of that as I did!

  5. In the home? It's still being used, just discreetly because of over zealous CPS agents.

    At school?  I hope not.  I know there are schools that technically still allow it but most of them don't anymore.  With the way people are sue-happy these days, I don't think anyone would dare.  I am a teacher and would never put my hands on somebody else's child.

  6. It's alive and well in our home when the situation calls for it.  It's not the only means of discipline we use, but it's one tool that has it's place sometimes.

  7. Come back? It never went anywhere. Over 90% of todays parents use it. Do some research and see for yourself. I don't understand why people are always whining about there being a lack of spanking when over 90% of parents spank. It makes NO sense yet everyone is always trying to blame lack of spanking as the problem with kids today. It's pretty interesting considering there is no lack of it. Maybe that IS the problem.

    I have 4 boys and have never used CP and never will. They are 13, 13, 11 and 8 and ALL 4 well behaved kids. CP is only one form of punishment. It's silly to think that which punishment a parent chooses is going to be the X factor in how their kids turn out. It's how you PARENT that matters, not how you punish.

    People who say no spank equals no discipline are extremely ignorant. As if spanking is the only option in parenting.

  8. Don't know where you're living, but that train has never left the station. There are a lot of liberal wusses on this site talking about how "spanking damages a child". That's bull c**p. I was spanked-- so was everyone who has ever lived in my family and my husband's family and we're all completely normal, functional people with normal relationships, college education, jobs, etc. I seriously fear to see what our country will be like in the next 7+ years after all these undisciplined children grow up and start taking gov't jobs. What's next? "It's illegal to fire someone b/c it will damage their self esteem"? Ha. Give me a break.

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