
Is it possible for dreams that you have dreamt to come true in the future?

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...i had a great dream last night but i don't know what the chances are of it coming true....i really want it to though!

the reason i ask is because sometimes dreams that i've dreamt have come true...or maybe that deja vu...i can't remember, lol!

anyway just wondering if dreams that you have dreamt can come true....




  1. yep most of the dreams i have come true its really freaky sometimes!

  2. A dream is the experience of images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep. The events of dreams are often impossible or unlikely to occur in physical reality, and are outside the control of the dreamer. The exception is lucid dreaming, in which dreamers realize that they are dreaming, and are sometimes capable of changing their dream environment and controlling various aspects of the dream.

    There's very little chance dreams come true. Unless your blessed then your lucky. You should've explained the details of your dreams.

  3. what you dreamt is a premanition

  4. Depending on what you believe some dreams can come true. I believe everyone has certain abilities outside of the 5 normal senses it's just some people are more prone to them it also helps if your believe in that kind of stuff. Try keeping a dream journal so you can go over your dreams and recognise signs in real life that may relate to the dream.

  5. There is a chance that anything you dream will come true. But that's just it: a chance.

    Dreams don't predict anything. Though life might sometimes end up matching them.

  6. When you dream, it's not letting you look into the future. However, dreams will mean something to you. Maybe something that's on your mind. You can make your dream happen if you really want it and are willing to try.


  7. There is a chance, yes. This is called a premonition. I had a premonition about the bombing in Iraq, I told my mum the morning after, we watched the news a few hours later and it was on the news. It was wierd.

    However, if you do really want it, it plays on your mind, even when you sleep.

  8. Obviously it is true!

    If only as a coincidence!

    Many of my dreams have come true - perhaps because I assisted them to (subconsciously) or by chance - one can never be entirely sure!!!

  9. I think it's possible : if you make just what you must do in order to make that possible...

  10. Yes, was so freaky and unbelievable i went to get help for it i was that freaked out.. my story was in the local paper.

    In my dream there was a black room, this person in white came up to me and told me that my mum is going to fall ill. Everything i said to him in the dream his answer was your mum is going to die.

    I woke up crying, because i was the freaked out.. the next day my mum found out she had cancer.

    I dont believe in god. I dont believe in faith. I dont believe in ghosts or anything else like that.. but that dream must be showing something....?

    r.i.p mum :( i love you.

  11. Don't cling to the dream - just enjoy the fact you had a nice dream.   Just sometimes, dreams might mean something, but they don't have to mean anything.  Either way, I think it's good to just let them go.

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