
Is it possible for england to sink into the sea?

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is it possible for it to sink




  1. if we keep getting any more immigrants it will

  2. I pray it doesn't.You know england or the UK is just like an Island.(but Island don't get flooded unless there are increase intemperature which can rise water level an so on.

  3. yes it is possible

  4. it already is in some coastal areas, and the more people who go to live there the further it will sink in more ways than one!

  5. Yes and No.

    London is currently sinking whereas Scotland is rising (as a result of the last ice age) but I assume you are actually asking about whether or not we are going to be flooded as a result of increasing sealevel therefore I will not go into explain why London is sinking.

    As for the increasing sealevels and England disappearing, only the lowest parts will flood (East Anglia, London, The Lake District) but that will only happen with the government lets it therefore I suggest you don't worry.

  6. Actually.. England IS sinking into the sea .. and Scotland is rising. Believe it or not, it's all due to last ice age and Scotland is now rebounding upwards, pushing England downwards.. this is gospel truth, ask any geologist.

  7. I have in fact employed all the ex miners in Britain and they are,at present, digging out the very foundations of this country and putting barrels underneath it in readiness for floating it some 500 miles south. This is to enable the people of Britain to have some decent bloody weather cuz im sick of the we are getting at the moment.

  8. England is the most low lying place in the UK, apart from N.Ireland, so when global warming hits its peak in 100's of years england will be reduced to strips of hills and land, They'll most likely move into Scotland and Wales or the European Mainland. So those that hate the Celtic nations... It's your great great great grandchildren etc.. that will

    be migrating into the hilly Nations, lol

  9. a pale etc is quite correct the east Coast of England is getting lower (don't panic its only a few millimetres a year).

    This has lead to increased flooding and erosion.

    But we are talking geological time here measured in centuries rather than months or years.

    This is a quote from Wikipedia so take it with a pinch of salt but it gives you the general picture.

    At the present time, due to Scotland's continuing to rise as a result of the weight of Devensian ice being lifted, England is sinking. This is generally estimated at 1mm (1/25 inch) per year, with the London area sinking at double the speed partly due to the continuing compression of the recent clay deposits. A contributory factor is the draining of many stretches of land.

  10. It can't sink but the water can and will rise over parts of it soon.

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