
Is it possible for foreigners to study the Japanese language in Japan whitout knowieg english?

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I really want to study the japanese language next year and was wondering if it was a requirement to know how to speak english fluently? Because i am not a native english speaking, so i am not sure if i sould re-think my disicion. But my grade in English is points: 70 of 100. Is that enough?




  1. Don't have to worry so much about speaking English since many schools have a "Japanese Speaking Only" policy.  So while the teacher and maybe many of the other students may speak English, you certainly don't have to speak English or be fluent to learn Japanese.  To be honest, not knowing English may actually be a bit of an advantage since most people in Japan who speak a second language speak English, but if you can't you will be forced to communicate using Japanese.  Good luck!

  2. Not knowing English is fine if you are going to Japan.  Why would you need English in Japan if your  goal is to learn Japanese?  

    The teachers in the schools teach only using Japanese.  If you are a complete beginner, then they may suggest teaching you in your mother language.

    But hopefully by the time you go to Japan next year, you will have studied some Japanese and know at least the basics of reading/writing/speaking/vocabulary.

    Good luck.

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