
Is it possible for liquid to evaporate in refrigerator?

by  |  earlier

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I now my question should be an obvious NO, but i had a cup full of about 3inches of milk in my refrigerator before i left for like, 3 - 4 hours and when i got back i opened my frig and there was barely any milk left in the cup, the house was locked up I don't think someone would break in and drink my milk... I'm a little confused.

Think of something guys! And don't say a ghost drank it.





  1. Sure is.

    As you cool a liquid down the amout of evaporation will decrease, because the molecules have less energy, but some of them will still have enough energy to break away from other molecules in the liquid and change their state to gas.

    What is probably going on in your fridge to make it happen so quickly is that it was in the path of the air flow in the fridge, so air was blowing over the top and causing the liquid to evaporate much more quickly.

    Alternatively I will try to remember when I am a ghost that there is a ready supply of milk at your place.

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