
Is it possible for man to affect or even change God's providence?

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Is it possible for man to affect or even change God's providence?




  1. No  Such  Thing.

  2. Provenance is more important, it is proof of a divine power that is needed.

    At the present date, after many thousands of years, there has been no evidence presented that was found outside of the writings of the ancient religious myths.

  3. yes and you can find many examples in the bible. for ex. king david,sanson, and many others. now here whats happened to me, i was rise  and born christian so you know the all wait til marriage stuff, so i married someone without me loving her, just to have s*x with her, so i change what god wanted for me , even though a few months before wedding my pastor told me if I was sure that she was the woman i wanted to spend my life with. now I'm divorcing

  4. Your question is very interesting. There seems to be two general viewpoints, one that says that we have freedom of choice and based on our decisions, create our own destiny, the other says that everything is predestined and 'what will be, will be'. Our general inclination is to think that we have control over our destiny, at least that's what our ego wants us to believe. On the other hand, my experience has been that even though I feel strongly that I have to do my best to get the results I want, I often find that things happen that I don't like regardless of my efforts, and even more strangely, things that I really consider positive have often happened without any real efforts on my part.

    So what gives? The reality is that the Creator has an end game in mind and that result is going to happen. This does not mean that we should just sit back and wait for the grand design to play out, actually we should act as if we will never meet our goals unless we make our best efforts, but have the wisdom to understand that what is happening is only happening by the providence of the Creator. But I digress..

    The bottom line is that the Creator has a plan and we will reach that final place either by proactively taking steps that enable us to work with nature to reach the final goal, or we will be pushed in that direction by the results of our errors. What kind of results and errors? Look around, when we totally show no regard for nature, we get pollution, wars, discrimination, exploitation, etc., etc. So we need to make a choice, do we want things to get so bad that we will eventually see the error of our ways, and we will eventually see the error of our ways, even if there's hardly anyone left due to us totally destroying the planet, or do we want to work with nature to get to the goal in a much more enjoyable fashion.

    You may be wondering how I came to these conclusions. I didn't just make them up, there is a methodology for determning how to work with nature to achieve the Creator's goals, the link below will start you on your path to understanding the methodology. If it makes sense to you pursue this understanding.

    Good Luck!


  5. There's evidence of this in the bible, such as abraham praying to god to spare sodom and Gomorrah. And if prayer did nothing jesus wouldn't have recommended it it. But it does make you wonder, if gods good and willing to help those who ask wouldn't he go ahead and be a good father and help us when we're not asking, if we need it, and by the state of the world today i'd say we need it. Some might say that its not yur prayer that affects his countenance. Like with samson, he sinned and saught redemption, and was given his gift back long enough to destroy his enemies and end his suffering, possibly as god wanted him to atone. God wants you to do something and he'll get your attention first, like needing you to ask. Not what I beleive personally but who knows.

    It's doubtful he exists quite frankly, but it's a good q.

  6. Yes. There is a lot of evidence in the Bible.

  7. Hi, Consuming Fire:

    Yes, you may change God's providence as God gives us choices to act in His drama.

    To see the choices and results, read Deuteronomy 28:1  

    "And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe [and] to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:  

      28:2   And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God."

    Then continue reading to see the "curseds" that follow.

    God has made provision to save everyone who ever lived, but many individuals don't choose it, thus, God's plans will change.

    Israel was chosen to bless the world, or curse the world.  You just study history and see which path they followed. They crucified their savior and persecuted the church, therefore the blessings will cause our world to be destroyed. See The Rise, Decline, and Death of Islam as Predicted in the Bible" at

    Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua

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