
Is it possible for me and my partner to ever have kids?

by  |  earlier

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i have got a lot of sist on my ovarys and i was wondering if i will ever be able to have kids

my sister got told the same thing and she spend a LOT of money on operations to fall prenant and it took her 4 years after the operations she finally fell pregnant last year

is this going to happen to me

please help me i would like some help sorting this out and knowing if we have a chance of starting a family soon




  1. You need to talk to a specialist, and get an evaluation done of your PCOS - there are plenty of treatment options, depending on the severity of the problem.  It's better to get it sorted sooner rather than later.

  2. If you have cysts on your ovaries and have not been diagnosed of those cysts being malignant,You can have a successful pregnancy.

    The best thing for you to do is schedule an appointment with your gynecologist to make sure you do not have PCOS( which I have).They will give you proper treatment.

    The test they will perform will be




    Insulin-which sometimes can hinder your chances of conceiving

    ultrasound of your ovaries

    The most extensive procedure I had done was a HSG and a tubal opening as both tubes were blocked.

    Usually,A lot of women will start out with clomid.I have not been successful using clomid itself,but some women has been successful.

    If you are unsuccessful with your gynecologist.He/She will refer you to  a reproductive endocrinologist. They are the ones who will do more extensive procedures such as IUI,IVF.

    It's never too late to start..I'm being treated by a RE and hopefully I will have a little one to love

  3. Honestly no one can answer this for you besides a qualified doctor.. and even then the best way to find out is to actually try to conceive.

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