
Is it possible for me to be pregnant?

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I have irregular periods so I went on BC for 3 months to control them, July was my first month off it. my last period was 6/18/08 and I came off BC that week. Im supposed to have my period 7/18/08 and I didnt but im unsure when I ovulated. because everything is so irregular. these are my symptoms.

-fatigue most of the time I sleep til 1 pm{never do that}

-slight cramping, milky discharge(small amount past 3 days)

-increases bowel movements at least 3 a day(some constipation), opposed to per wk.

-little moodier, oilier skin & breakouts

-no sore b***s yet, a little sensitive on the nipple not all the time tho.

Could I be pregnant?

-frequent urination, decreased appetite




  1. you might be, try taking a test over the weekend first thing in the morning

  2. take a test?

  3. All of those symptoms could indicate pregnancy, as well as your period, or other things. If you are so irregular, than you can't really expect your period on a given day, so it could just be that. But, if you have s*x than you could be pregnant. So to answer your question, yes it is possible. BC can do odd things to your body though and cause a lot of changes, breakouts, oily skin, moodiness, etc. Why don't you visit your doctor or take a pregnancy test?

  4. It sounds as though you're having symptoms from having been of BC and now getting off. When you get off birth control, it takes a few cycles for your period to get back to normal, so if you expected your period on the 18th while on birth control you can't really expect the same thing if you're just getting off birth control.

    However, if you think you're pregnant, you should be able to get an accurate test by now; especially if  it's been two weeks over the date you think you may have conceived. By the way, PMS is also a lot like early pregnancy and those could be PMS signs as well. Good luck.

  5. yes it is possible.  do a blood test to determine if u are pregnant.  i think you mite be.  email me let me kno

  6. I had most of those symptoms early in my pregnancy! Good luck!

  7. Well it takes about three months after getting off BC to get regualr periods back. So i wouldnt get too excited but it is very very possible. So good luck!

  8. take a test

  9. Well it can be two things you are getting ready for your period, or you just might be pregnant . good luck , these symptons are so closed together women sometimes can't tell them apart,  

  10. Hi i suggest that you take a pregnancy test and a blood test prefably as that is more accurate then a urine test

    Good Luck hope everything works out for you  

  11. Im in the same boat as you but I last started on 6/30/08 and supposed to start on 7/30/08.  I'm having alot of the symptoms that you are totally and I can relate to the late periods too.  I will keep on praying for us both Good Luck!

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