
Is it possible for me to get a 3.0 GPA this semester? ?

by  |  earlier

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my GPA right now is 2.68. its my 3rd 1st semester i got like one B maybe 2 and a few C's but in the spring semester i got all B's so it raised my GPA to a 2.68....what would i have to get in order to raise it to a 3.0 because i want to be a teacher and i have to have a least a 3.0 GPA.




  1. Well, there's not enough info there for an exact answer (we don't know how many credits you took the last 2 semesters) but if it was 12, then (2.68*2 semesters + 4.0*1 semester) / (3 semesters) = 3.12.  So if you get all A's this semester, you'll have slightly above a 3.0 GPA.

  2. You can afford to get 1 b and 3 a's this semester in order to bring your gpa to a 3.0. That was based on you getting 2 c's and 2 b's on your first semester and all b's in your second semester.

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