
Is it possible for me to get drafted??

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I'm a 18 year old Senior in High School, and I play baseball. I'm a pitcher and play 1B, yesterday I was talking to my brother and he asked me how hard I throw I told him I at least hit 82-84 mph on the gun. He told me why I never told him that, he said he would've helped me get into a school in the Dominican Republic for baseball and I would've been drafted. But the thing is ever since he told me that I've been thinking about starting to play baseball again next year and continue pitching. I can pretty much throw a Curve ball, Slider, Cutter, Change-up, Splittler, Knuckle Curve, Circle Change, 2-Seamer and a 4-seam fastballs. Now I been wondering if its possible for me to still get drafted or not, what do you guys think?? Please help will be appreciated.




  1. You need to build up some power.  Ten to fifteen mph more would be pretty good.  Also, just being able to throw them doesn't mean you throw them well.  Make sure you have three to four great pitches.  Normally a Fastball, Changeup, Curve, and Slider/Splitter.  If you think you can do all that, you should try to go to a good college for baseball and pitch there.  If you do well, you can probably get drafted.


  2. Right now, no. If you want to then:

         Throw faster faster faster. Lift weights and throw at least 90+ mph. You seem like a junkballer. Do you think professional coaches are looking for a pitcher that throw in the low 80's or a power house that throws 96mph. The answer is clear. Also go running everyday after practice to get your stamina up so you can go past the 5th inning.

         Just because you can throw those pitches doesn't mean you will consistently have command over them. Try to work on Fastball(both 2 and 4), and Change-up(circle if you already feel more comfortable with it) primarily. Also work on Curve ball (getting it over the plate for a first pitch strike). Then choose one of the remaining pitches slider, cutter, splitter and knuckle curve and incorporate that too.

         My high school coach told me that he was a pitcher in high school and college. He threw low 80's and consistently had command over his many pitches. He was a ground ball pitcher. After college he was invited to a professional tryout for the Boston Red Sox. There was 2 sections of the tryout. The first section you get on the mound and throw as hard as you can. No curve balls or any other junk like the kind you throw. Just heat as hard as you can. The coaches just wanted to see how hard you can throw. The next section of tryouts is a mock scrimmage where you pitch 2 innings in game situation. My coach hit 86 on the gun and threw 2 perfect innings in the scrimmage. (5 ground outs and 1 strikeout). After the tryouts a coach came up to him and told him that he did every thing that he needed to do except he had to throw harder. The coaches were not allowed to draft anyone unless the could hit 88mph on the radar gun no questions asked. He didn't get drafted simply because he didn't throw hard enough no other reason.

    Before you try to drafted, find a good baseball college and make that team. That last thing a professional coach wants to see is that you didn't even make the college team.

         Just practice practice practice and throw faster faster faster and you might have a tiny chance. Best of luck to ya.

  3. if u can build up your body and increase that makes it look all the more impressive. But, the fact that you can through just about every pitch makes me wonder HOW WELL CAN U THROW THEM...if u can throw them well, u have a shot...but it always helps to go to a school...U HAVE TO GO OUT ON UR OWN AND FIND SCOUTS THAT ARE WILLING TO LOOK AT U

    good luck!

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