
Is it possible for me to go to sydney on a 3 mth tourist visa, leave to go to NZ for a few weeks and apply for

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a working holiday visa when in NZ for australia. this way i get 1 yr 3 months in australia? how long does it take for a visa to be granted??




  1. It is possible, don't know how long it takes to get a whv processed at the moment, but it shouldn't take too long.

    If you are going to NZ as a cheap and nearby place to leave the country while your visa is being process, (and yes, you must be out of australia to apply for a WHV). Don't forget to consider other cheap and local places. Much cheaper to fly to KL, singapore or jakarta, and they are cheaper places to spend a few weeks.

  2. I guess it's possible. But, why not get a working holiday visa first?

    I believe the processing time for a working holiday visa varies from country to country. In here it states that it generally takes 1 to 2 weeks.

  3. yes, you may be able to obtain your visa over the internet which takes about 10 minutes.

  4. Do it the other way, work then apply for an extension to see parts 'you missed'. It worked for me, and I didn't even need to leave Aus.

  5. Yr dreaming mate


    should have the answers you're looking for

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