
Is it possible for me to make it in at MIT?

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My math score on the sat is 760. My writing is 620. My reading 570.

My cumulative GPA is 3.93.

I attend a private school.

Clubs I am in-

president of chess club

president of film club

president of NHS

member of guitar club

I am or I am on-

my 3rd year on the yearbook staff

the journalism staff as a volunteered photographer.

a registered camera man on a public television station

a volunteer to film special occasions for the school.


took chem honors in my sophomore year

currently taking Ap calc, chinese 3, and Ap chem in my junior year.

Senior year I plan to take Ap bio, chinese 4, Ap US history, Calc 2, and physics.

I have received a high A for a final grade in all my math, science, and chinese classes.

I love to learn new things everyday.


2 years on the sailing team- won vars2 second place

played water polo in 9th grade- had highest shooting accuracy, will play in senior year

I swim on my free time.

Courses taken by senior year

english- 4

math- 5

foreign language-4

history- 4

PE- 3.5

Science- 5

My teacher recommendations have a very high chance in being astonishing.

How likely will i get in?




  1. All of that is very trivial in the grander scheme. You have the book smarts, you have the extracurriculars, you have the teacher backing...

    But can you sell yourself in the interview?

    If MIT went on booksmarts alone, you would be guaranteed a spot. What you have to do now is ace the interview (I'm assuming you know about those). The interviewers are the ones who write to MIT and tell them if they think you would be a good asset. MIT listens to its interviewers, almost to the point where a bad interviewer reference can override a perfect 36 ACT and 4.0 gpa (I've seen it done). I'm not trying to scare you or anything, but the interview is the opportunity for you to really brag about yourself to the interviewer and really act like yourself.

    What the interviewer wants to hear is how you are different, what makes you unique, why you are a well-rounded student, what you like to do in your free time aside from studying. They are interested in things like guitar club, photography, volunteer filmer, etc.

    Looking at all of that on paper, I would say you appear to be VERY well rounded, as well as very bookish and smart. If you convey that exact impression through your words in your interview you will be almost guaranteed a spot.

    I have seen and personally known many students who were not accepted to MIT because they were TOO book smart and didn't have enough interests outside of math and science. Of the students I have seen accepted, ALL of them had other interests, like guitar, skiing, piano, painting, etc.

    My dad has interviewed a TON of students, and usually out of 10 students who apply from a school, 2-3 will be accepted. I'm not going to lie, the interviewers can be harsh sometimes, but judging by what I am seeing in front of me regarding your grades, etc I think you have a very good chance, if not a guaranteed spot if you can convey your vast interests to the interviewer (guitar, photography, film, etc).

    A good essay will also do wonders to push you along!

    Good Luck!

    p.s. MIT has kinda bad service for such as expensive school when it comes to the dining hall. When I was last there, they were only open certain hours of the day (and never when  I wanted to eat). So when you get accepted, don't forget to buy a mini fridge and microwave so you can make your snacks in the event that the dining hall is closed

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