
Is it possible for me to make my own energy drink?

by  |  earlier

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I have a great idea for an energy drink but have no idea to begin ...i dont even know if things like citric acid, phosphoric acid and potassium sorbate are things that are aded or occur naturaly .... and if they are added where do you get them??? anyway i'm way in over my head. .. but my idea is really good .. what should i do?




  1. Try yerba mate, it's an all natural energy drink that contains many of the vitamins and minerals found in commercial energy drinks.  It's an herbal beverage that's been popular in South America for centuries.  It tastes (to me) like wet grass, so if you don't like the taste, try sweetening it with juices, etc.  You can also mix it with green tea for added nutritional benefits.  It gives me energy and mental clarity, I've recommended it to my friends.

  2. You can consult specialists, or just go with all organic and do it at home. You can order allot of the unhealth acids online if you look for them

  3. Look it up in men's health or even shape magazine!

    Happy 4th!

  4. Google:  enregy drinks how to make

    There are several listings.  It should give you some idea of what to do.

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