
Is it possible for me to marry other religist?

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I am buddhist and my girl friend is Islamist.we love very much each other. Please give me some idea what should we do to stay together.




  1. If you are happy and in love, then you should be together.  Do you live in the US?  You know, you can legally get married here, without a religious ceremony...  

  2. When your dating religion doesn't matter...Have a baby and the war can start,,,Before you get married agree to what religion the kids will be raised...I have seen so many marriages end up in divorce because of this battle or someone all the sudden finds religion and the same problem arises.

  3. its hard because kids come what religion are you going to teach the kids both that's wen serious issues start

  4. If you're happy together, stay together.

  5. It is possible if you both are able to respect and understand each others faith then it is possible. The support of both families is helpful and without their support there can be a lot of tension. Consider what the wedding celebration will be like what if any aspects of faith will be included in the ceremony. Also in what faith will any future children be raised (or how will you convey an understanding of both faiths)

    It is all possible with understanding and communication.IMO

  6. Who cares, if you're in love, get married !!

    Happily ever after !

  7. depends on where you live.

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