
Is it possible for my b*****s to shrink?

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ok i think my b*****s have shrunk(is that a word?haha.).i have been exercising every day for two hours a day excpet for weekends since august 6.i was a 36C.but now,i feel that i am not filling out my bra as b*****s are still as "wide" but they dont have as much "depth".like i can "pinch" the little bit of extra fabric on the middle of the cup on my bra and i couldnt do that it possible that my b*****s may have shrunk?i have lost about 6-7 pounds since august 6 by the way and i am 13.




  1. I don't think the word "shrink" is the technical terminology  but it is pretty obvious you have lost some of the fat tissue surrounding your b*****s. It is very normal if your have been doing regular  exercise. The best part is that your still young and still have plenty of time to grow!    

  2. Yes unfortunately usually that is the first place the weight comes off.

  3. b***s are made out of fat, therefore when you loose weight it may come from there. It's nothing abnormal.

  4. Yes, sometimes when woman workout it backfires and there b*****s lose mass instead of like their thighs or whatever

  5. Yes, When you lose wight you can lose your b***s... Suck huh...

  6. When you exercise and lose weight you are loosing excess body weight all t throughout your body. Yes, it is possible for your b*****s to get a bit smaller. It will happen as you loose weight. They will not shrivel up into the nothingness though ^_^

    You will tone them and get rid of the bad fatty part of the chest area as you work out and that is a good thing :)

  7. yes one one the first places women lose weight if their b*****s. A good way to prevent it or at least decrease the amount lost in that particular area is doing exercises that target a different area like crunches and it helps the body concentrate on your stomach instead of your b***s.

  8. b*****s are mostly fat.  When you lose weight, your b*****s do get smaller. :)

  9. Almost certainly, with that amount of exercise.   What happens is twofold -- you lose fat and it's normally from the b*****s you lose it before anything else

    -- your testosterone levels rise and your estrogen levels drop, bringing about a more masculine figure.   Athletes in serious training very often stop menstruating completely and often lose their b*****s almost entirely.

  10. Same thing happened to me, I went from a 36C to a 34B its exercise, sadly b***s go first, lol, but they do go up and down through your life, I feel for my b***s! lol :) Best of luck to you :)


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