
Is it possible for my child to attend the virtual academy and public school? He going to be in Kindergarten

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I want to be involed in my childs learning. I am looking into the virtual academy which is an at home public school. I am wondering if I can also enroll my child in our neighborhood school for social reasons. This school will be within the Los Angeles Unified School District.




  1. You can't no matter which state you are in. You have to choose one or the other and also you can just help him learn things at home on your own. Using the library for resources, homeschooling curriculum and so forth.

    Now remember you don't want to burn your child out at such a young age that you will be setting him up for future failure because of the stress and not having a love of learning.

    We all want what is best for our children, but this is not good for any child to be overloaded. Also the Los Angeles school system stinks.

    I would consider doing the virtual academy and getting involved in a homeschool group where they play, do fieldtrips, have get together, sports, etc.

    Really do you want your child having that type of socialization they get at the Public School? It isn't socialization, but rather figuring out ways to survive in this doggy dog world at such a young age. Talk about a horrible way to spend your day.  

  2. No, that would be like having your child enrolled in two different public schools at the same time.

    There are lots of other ways for your child to get social interaction. There are lots of homeschoolers in the LA area and lots to do. (I have a friend who spent 3 years homeschooling her kids in LA and she was constantly busy.) There are swimming lessons and Scouts and more.

  3. It seems to me that you want everything for your child. However there is much more to consider than academics and social skills. This child is going to need some down time as well. Spiritual development should probably be of great importance as well. I'm not necessarily talking religion here. But developing moral standards as well. That should be a parents responsibility.  

  4. Kindergarten is a great year, and in many states its optional.  I agree with the advice to get your child involved in other things, don't get mixed up with the public school, they don't need anything from it. Stick with playgroups, homeschool groups, interest led activities like sports, dance or music.  

    Kindergarten is just beginning reading. Just use blocks and a whiteboard and teach him/her simple math, cook with him, do life together.  

    Reading skills can be introduced with  Phonics Pathways (an all inclusive book that does a great job with phonics and reading).

    Lastly, just read stories and talk about what you read, the places, the people, get out the globe, make the foods they eat, answer questions.

    Your child will have a great head-start over those in a public school setting with a classroom of 10-30 kids.  

  5. I'm thinking no, because virtual academy is public school, and the school down the street is public school, and you can't be enrolled in two public schools at the same time.

    If you want him to go to the local public school just because, maybe there's another online thing you could enroll him in for after-school?  But I would bet that he'd experiene burnout pretty quick, at his age.

    I agree with the other poster -- don't use public school for "socialization".  Choose his friends at this point.  Set up play dates with the children of people you know and like, get involved in a homeschool support group, or some sort of kindergarten "classes" at the Y or at your church or at the library or whereever!  Not public school.

  6. No, don't enroll him in school just for socialization.  Schools don't teach socialization.

    Get involved in your local park day.

    Also get him involved in classes according to his interests.  Does he like sports? Art? Science?  Drama?

  7. For sports and other after school activities, yes. Thats how it is in Alabama anyways

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