
Is it possible for my dad to get custody of me?

by Guest57084  |  earlier

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My dad is being a freakasoid and is taking my mom to court over me being homeschooled, although he is soooo friggin clueless that he seems to have "forgotten" that my mom has FULL CUSTODY of me. He has contacted his lawyer and is sending a summons to my moms. Its scary. He is also making up all these lies about my mother, that she "beats my siblings" which is NOT TRUE! I mean, i should know, i live with her! And also that we have moved 13 times in 14 years, but we have only moved 8 (still alot, yeah, i know. But its a long story) and making up all these hurtful things! Is it possible for him to get custody of me over THIS? If i do go to court with them, should i tell the judge about the lies he is telling and about his behavior? (he is very ornery alllll the time, and he yells at the simplest thing. He is very controlling. I swear he's bipolar, [not that there's anything wrong with that])

Help me!





  1. Well, if you say that you don't want to be in custody of your father, I don't think you can be (given that your mother's in full health and not a psychopathic criminal)

  2. talk it over with your mother,tell the truth when all things come to a head, it wouldn't be fair on you or us to give advice over the internet. go well

  3. Your father cannot get custody of you simply because of your mother's decision to homeschool you.  If the court believes the other things your father says, they will probably take you and your siblings into "protective custody", investigate your mother, then return you to her when they see nothing is wrong.  

    You should ask your mother's lawyer to put you on the stand.  He/She will ask you specific questions about abuse, etc.  You need to be very clear in what you say and not change your story AT ALL.  Your dad's lawyer will jump on anything you say that sounds different.  If your dad's lawyer asks you a question you don't know how to answer, look at your moms lawyer (kind of asking for her approval)  Watch her response.  

    Whatever you do, tell the truth.  One thing that they will ask is if your mother has ever beat you.  Eventually, the lawyer will try to get you to say that she spanks you.  What you want to say when you think he's gotten that far is simply, "she disiplines me."  That should get you out of the loop.  Another thing you want to remeber is not to volunteer information.  Answer each question as shortly as possible.  You don't want to give the lawyer too much to work with, otherwise you might end up helping your dad accidentally.

    Once your dad has started a law suit against your mother, stop talking to him.  Also, don't allow your siblings to talk to him.  Anything you say, he may try to use against you.  He may ask what your mother is doing or has done, etc.

  4. If this goes to court everything will come out and he will most likely not get full custody based on what you have said here. He may, however, get rights to parenting time (if he doesn't already) and may get joint legal custody, which means he will have to be involved with major life decisions including schooling, health care, and the like. The best thing for you to do is just tell the truth and make sure you having something to back up your statements. Based on your age (which I assume in something close to teenager) the judge will most likely take into account what you want and not what your parents want. So please try not to get too stressed about this. Everything will work out in the end.

  5. The courts will look at the evidence and decide.8 times in 14 years does NOT look good for her though.

    As far as the home schooling thing goes, she can tell the courts to have  you kids tested and if you pass,then there is no problem.If you do NOT pass ,you will end up back in public school.

    If she has full custody,then obviously your dad has issues.Yet before you set your mind in concrete and assume he is pure evil, get to know him and try to understand things from HIS point of view before condemning him.....k?

  6. your best bet is to talk to your mothers lawyer.

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