
Is it possible for someone at age 17 to not make it as a model...but...?

by  |  earlier

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that very same person at 24 then making it as a model?

Because it has happened for someone I know and it's remarkable!




  1. ya it's possible.i know a few people that happened to also.

  2. yes its possible people change    

  3. You've answered your own question.

    If it's happened for someone that you know, then it's obviously possible.

    It makes sense too since people change how they look as they get older and one person may turn someone down but another agree to hire the same person.

  4. well if it happend its possible, right? ; )

    but, anways, yeah i guess it makes sense.

    like, people mature between those ages (like their faces and stuff)

    and also, they must have been practicing and gotten better! : )

    please answer mine! : );...

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