
Is it possible for someone else to have my mobile phone number?

by  |  earlier

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Since I registered my phone online, I notice my call balance going down without making calls. But the outgoing calls are not shown on my phone, is this because they are made from a different phone with the same number? I have been recieving lots of texts for months from a person I dont know from a different phone number, could he be sending them to the person who has the same phone number as me?

It is a Motorola phone on Virgin network.




  1. not sure but gave you a star & i'll be watching your i'd like to know too

  2. It certainly was possible to clone a phone.  I didn't know it was still being done, but it used to be a favourite trick to sit in motorway services with a particular type of scanner which would note all the details of a phone being used there, then clone it for free calls.  If it was done to a business phone no-one would notice for a month until the boss got the bill!

  3. why don't you call Virgin and report the problem. You're wasting your time on here.

  4. Give Virgin a call as they will be able to tell you how your credit has been used. If someone else has cloned your number then virgin will give you a new number.

  5. It wouldn't explain your balance going down, but I used to have a phone that lots of calls and texts came in for George (my name is Mark) and apparently he cut his service and I received his number.  Hope I helped....

  6. Your phone probably has the internet turned on... or someone has hacked into your phone over bluetooth and is calling a premium number ( 090 x*x XXXX XX number ) that was created in their name and are now making £1 a minute... Probably the first one but the second one is quite easily possible...

    It is not possible for anyone to have the saame mobile number as you...


    Call Virgin and ask them to see what you've been spending your credit on

    Turn off you Bluetooth

    Make yourself  bluetooth "hidden" from other people in the Bluetooth settings

  7. I was wondering about this too sometimes when I phone my boyfriend it goes to his answering machine saying that it is turned off when its not and the other day he lost it in our house so I rang it and some man answered I panicked and hung up I double checked the number I called and it was defiantly correct.

  8. yes it can happen, my mum had the same problem she was given the same number as someone else and her monthy bill was coming threw each month for over £80, she didnt reconise half the numbers on the phone bill...

    but same problem has happened to me recently, there is a scam going around, which takes off money from your phone everytime you recieve a text (however i didnt sign up to any service) and i wasnt recieving any texts...

    go on this websight see if it sounds familiar:

  9. yes its possible,this happened to my daughters ,someone had cloned her card,we only found out when the police came knocking saying a person had been receiving racist phonecalls and abuse.we knew we were innocent as we dont speak irdu,as this was the lanquage used in the racism.we got in contact with virgin and they sent us a new sim. dont ask me how they clone your sim,even the copper didnt know????

    edit: milan above....obviously you dont know what your talking about,this other guy had the same number as my daughter...IT IS POSSIBLE? i think its someone who distributes the sim cards,quite easy i should imagine to knock a couple of duplicates out.

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