
Is it possible for someone to completely change their skin tone in a month without surgery?

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I have a friend and her skin tone went from this:

To this:

She told me that she has been using a product called "Silkas Whitening Papaya Soap." What exactly is in it and what does it do? Are there any side affects? I am worried about this rapid change in her skin tone and I would like to know if she could develop any types of skin disease.

Thank you all for your answers.




  1. Read the box. And most likely if your friend hasn't died yet, I don't think you will either. But if you're really that worried, ask your doctor.

  2. from what i've read, it's not bad at all. it's a soap made in the Philippines and it gets rid of dead skin cells, whitens your skin, and helps with blemishes. if you think your friend is getting too white, or your scared, talk to her. i'm sure she'll understand. explain that it's kind of like tanning too much. its a drastic change, and maybe she should stop so people dont ask tons of questions.

  3. it probably has bleach in it, and bleach will burn your cells creating a whiter or red color because of their death..

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